Keadaan benih cendawan yang ditempatkan di Kilang Penanaman Cendawan, Kampung Sinaran Baru, Senai. |
Cendawan merupakan tanaman makanan yang cukup digemari oleh segenap lapisan masyarakat kerana keenakannya dan boleh dinikmati dengan pelbagai cara.
Cendawan boleh dinikmati secara segar atau digoreng tepung. Tetapi antara makanan berkaitan cendawan yang paling popular ialah sup cendawan.
Oleh sebab itu, sama seperti peribahasa, ibarat cendawan yang tumbuh selepas hujan, begitu juga dengan kemunculan penanam tanaman tersebut ketika ini.
Selepas kerajaan menyatakan komitmen untuk menaikkan martabat industri pertanian, ramai penanam cendawan muncul mengusahakan tanaman tersebut sama ada secara besar-besaran atau kecil-kecilan.
Antaranya seorang pengusaha cendawan di Kampung Sinaran Baru, Skudai, R. Azmi Buang yang mengusahakan cendawan sejak 25 tahun lalu.
''Zaman dahulu cendawan hanya diperoleh menerusi pokok-pokok getah yang telah reput dan pertumbuhannya tidak sekerap mana.
''Tetapi dengan ada teknologi moden ia boleh diperolehi pada bila-bila masa, iaitu selepas benih cendawan terpilih disuntik dan melalui proses pengeraman, dalam tempoh lima hari cendawan terbabit boleh dituai," katanya ketika ditemui baru-baru ini.
Untuk itu R. Azmi, 45, juga tidak keberatan berkongsi pengalaman mengenai cara-cara mengusahakan tanaman itu, yang mana langkah awal dengan menyediakan abuk kayu getah, dedak beras, kapur dan polibeg.
"Pemilihan habuk kayu getah kerana ia paling sesuai untuk pertumbuhan cendawan, manakala dedak beras pula penggalak yang mana cendawan akan tumbuh dengan subur termasuk lebar dan bersih serta gebu.
"Kapur pula untuk mengurangkan kemasaman pada 'substrat' (bongkah-bongkah) untuk disuntik dengan benih cendawan terpilih," katanya.
Menurutnya, bagi mengadun bancuhan substrat itu bagi setiap 100 kilogram (kg) habuk kayu getah ia ditambah dengan lapan kg dedak beras, tiga kg kapur dan 80 liter air.
R. Azmi, berkata, adunan itu dimasukkan ke dalam plastik lutsinar berukuran 6 1/2 inci lebar x 14 inci panjang dan ia perlu dibungkus dengan padat yang beratnya antara 1 kg hingga 1.2 kg.
Beliau berkata, selepas itu, bongkah-bongkah tersebut dikukus pada suhu 100 darjah celsius selama tiga jam.
"Selepas sejuk bongkah-bongkah itu akan disuntik dengan benih, di mana setiap satu botol benih mampu untuk disi 35 bongkah.
"Untuk menyuntik benih ia perlu dilakukan di tempat yang betul-betul bersih dan kering dan kemudian pindahkan ke bilik pengeraman dalam tempoh dua bulan," katanya.
Katanya, susunan dan kedudukan bongkah mesti dalam keadaan berdiri supaya 'meselium' (buah) mudah tumbuh.
Tambah Azmi, selepas dua bulan di pondok pengeraman bongkah-bongkah itu di pindahkan ke bangsal pengeluaran yang suhunya mesti di bawah 32 darjah celsius dan kadar kelembapan mesti 60 hingga 80 peratus mengikut ukuran hygro meter, bagi menghasilkan cendawan berkualiti.
"Di pondok pengeluaran kita buka penutup bongkah bagi membolehkan buah cendawan tumbuh secara semula jadi yang lazimnya dalam masa lima hari buahnya boleh dituani.
"Ingin dijelaskan kepingan-kepingan berupa daun yang keluar dari muncung bongkah adalah buah cendawan, jadi yang kita makan itu adalah buah cendawan yang dikenali bahasa sains maselium," katanya.
R. Azmi berkata, setiap satu bongkah boleh mengeluarkan empat kali pengeluaran yang bertanya 250 gram.
----- Uutsan Malaysia Online
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Omega watches are acknowledged for retaining their worth for many years. A large part of this actually is on account of co axial escapement. Assisted as a result of the achievement of caliber 2500, Omega developed the preliminary mass production time piece that integrated a coaxial escapement. Designed by George Daniels, a watchmaker from England, and Breitling Bentley Replique regarded because the most major observe generating advance in current occasions. The coaxial escapement nearly alleviates necessity for lubrication, which significantly improves precision together with the will need to get for upkeep as time passes. Radial friction triggers fewer strain for the movement's components, in contrast to sliding friction. This consequently leads to Omega's watches acquiring inside a position retain their value for almost any lengthier time than their rivals. Moreover, it lowers simply how much servicing a lot of piece may have to endure over time to practically Breitling Replique Breitling Bentley GT Replique Montre a modest price tag of watches to a wide range of other various kinds of motion. One other component Breitling Navitimer Replique in Omega watches retaining their value routinely may be the perfect that they can are developed with. Each and every new Omega motion may have to pass thorough specifications. The movements are tested in present Omega watches, and, additionally, a lot of lab examinations are carried out to substantiate the movement's capability to resist temperature, shock and vibration. The reality inside the movement can obviously be examined. Alongside this, anytime a fresh situation has become developed, it basically is afflicted by numerous exams concurrently. The decision on in the event you may want to make a completely new situation is simply utilized in situation the new prototype passes all assessments assuring brilliant high quality. Omega watches are heavily sought just right after time pieces on account of company's thorough promoting campaigns, and endorsement of major worl wide athletic competitions, the identical as the Olympics. Through component in significant marketing campaigns that drive revenue, the Omega brand is Replique Breitling possesses an universal perception of superior, accuracy and design.
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Bulova Watches Why Are They So Well-liked
People today from throughout the planet are fond of Bulova watches. But why Bulova rather than any other view brandthis could be the query that is certainly revolving on your thoughts. It is largely their unique patterns and high high-quality precision which makes them set aside from another watch brand names.
The best high-quality craftsmen are implemented to manufacture the timepieces of Bulova. These craftsmen produce each of the luxury and stylish watches with perfection. The provider truth be told manufactures classy timepieces and is accomplishing so considering 1990. It's even promised deliver exactly the same top quality to its wide array customers to during the coming years.
Families fist came to learn about when they saw the advertisement on Ny station WNBT channel on tv in 1941. It had been just proven in advance of the match of baseball between Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia. At that time, the brand so that you can make families aware of its items paid about 9 bucks for its industrial.
At this time, the small business is well acknowledged all over the planet and this credit will need to be provided for the organization itself. Just go through regarding the historical past of Bulova and what it accomplished or how it did so to earn this quality repute in the field.
The establishment in the service took area inside the year 1875. At that time the name with the service was J.Bulova Small business. Later within the 12 months 1923, the name with the enterprise was modified to Bulova View Business. In 1979, the creator within the small business, Joseph Bulova, grew to become as crucial part of Loews Corporation and it was all immediately after this the corporation started to set up its online business in different places like Flushing, Woodside and Ny. In every one of these elements of the world, the company created substantial innovations in strategies and types and produced plenty of equipment for building superior high-quality watches.
In 1960, the company received associated with two extraordinary incidents. First of all it had been ready to sell Accuton, that's regarded as the right collection of Bulova watches, to the to start with time from the marketplace. And secondly, it had to face an remarkable space age conflict with Omega view brand. The competition was based only on 1 topic. It was all about which brand was the very first 1 to be on moon. Even so, so far as the use of the instrument panel clocks and time-keeping mechanisms in spacecraft to the to start with time is concerned, it had been Bulovas Accutrons.
Since the organization started to expand famous, it commenced to sell pocket watches. It even began manufacturing wristwatches. Irrespective of what type of Bulova watches you are hunting for, it is easy to be assured that each timepiece may be fixed up without having any trouble. They're basically trendy and stylish watches and tell numerous a person when worn.
Writer: James Paul
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Omega Constellation Watches For Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day is closely related with romantic love. Within the day, lovers can express their really like by sending flowers, chocolates or every other gifts. What kind of gifts is definitely the most favorable and will absolutely shock your lover? Certainly, the response stands out as the a single with fabulous seem and may endure for ever, similar to your eternal like. Hence, I will not imagine the normal Valentine's gifts like flowers and chocolate are suitable. You see, even though flowers are wonderful, they may be dying quickly, and have to become abandoned; Chocolate is tasty, however it shall be eaten up quickly. They what we ought to go for? The solution is Omega Constellation watches.
Designer timepieces are usually while in the dream checklist of most of the people. They may be certainly masterpieces with wonderful appear, top rated craftsmanship and exact function. The Swiss view manufacturer Omega is such a brand that is definitely often committed in creating precious watches with eye-catching appearance and advanced technologies. Omega's iconic Constellation collection features a wide array of ladies' and gents' designs to suit completely different tastes. Every single piece features dramatically fantastic and just evokes excellence and perfection.
Omega Constellation watches are specially for anyone who're trendy and fashion-conscious. Compared for the traditional Constellation designs, the latest 2009 watches not just proceed the timeless legend, but in addition enhance the prevalent temptation. They are really attainable in the range of sizes- 24mm, 27mm, 31mm, 35mm and 38mm. The dials can also be offered inside a assortment of colors like silver, champagne, white mother-of-pearl, black, and brown. Irrespective of which style your lovers are seeking, it is possible to always unearth one of the most ideal 1.
Within a word, the moment you present your gifts, your lover will certainly mesmerize with their intricate layout and mechanism. I am positive Constellation watches by Omega is usually the most beneficial choice for the Valentine's presents this year, and they are essentially deserve your eternal treasure.
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